Academic Study Skills- An Introduction熱銷

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Academic Study Skills- An Introduction熱銷曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。




內容簡介: 博客來網路書局Enrolling in a university is a big challenge. The passage to university culture and its requirements can be difficult and abrupt for those who have not developed efficient learning strategies and study skills. The book Academic Study Skills: An Introduction aims at smoothing this passage for non-native students of English who want to develop and improve the skills needed for English medium study at university level.
Key features

博客來書店.Step-by-step guidance
Structured in 11 units, the book familiarizes students with the academic environment, helps them become aware of their learning style, fosters learners to acquire and develop efficient learning strategies and study skills necessary in the academic world, and equips them with basic research skills.

.Interactive content
The content of each unit is 'revealed' through a gradual process of discovery that leads students from what they already know (background knowledge) to the acquisition of practical skills and knowledge. The course combines interactive input with a variety of practical activities.

.Hands-on approach
The book fosters the learning by doing approach: students develop their learning styles and study skills by completing many tasks that require them to use various learning strategies and skills.

作者簡介Nicoleta-Mariana Iftimie

Nicoleta-Mariana Iftimie was born in Iasi, Romania, in 1955. She received her MEd in English Language Teaching at the University of Manchester, U.K., and her PhD in English and American Literature from “Al. I. Cuza” University in Iasi, Romania. Her major fields of study博客來 and research include discourse analysis, theater semiotics and pragmatics, ESP, academic writing, oral and written communication techniques. She is the author of over 50 published papers and 6 books.

博客來網路書店Ann Wan-lih Chang

Ann Wan-lih Chang, was born in Taipei in 1968.? She received her MA in Irish Studies at Queen’s University in Belfast in 1997 and her Ph.D. at the University of Ulster in 2006.? Her major fields of study and research are contemporary Irish women’s writing, short fiction and discourse of stereotypes and archetypes in literary texts.? Currently she is the assistant professor as well as the head of the department of Applied English and the Language Centre at Shih Chien University in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

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  • 出版社:秀威資訊    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2008/09/01
  • 語言:繁體中文

Academic Study Skills- An Introduction熱銷


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      Academic Study Skills- An Introduction熱銷


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