A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Attitudes and Emotional Responses of Apparel Purchase Behavior比較
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這本社會科學A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Attitudes and Emotional Responses of Apparel Purchase Behavior比較全書的內容大意
A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Attitudes and Emotional Responses of Apparel Purchase Behavior比較曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: 博客來The purpose of this博客來書店 book was to examine the emotional responses while consumers are shopping, consumer attitudes toward apparel shopping, subjective norms, individual differences, and demographic factors for U.S. and Taiwan consumers’ apparel purchase intentions and purchase behavior. (此書的目的是為探討台灣與美國消費者購買服飾時之情緒反應、消費者對服飾的態度、社會主觀規範、個人特徵,以及人口統計變數對其購買服飾意願與行為之影響。)
作者簡介王韻Yun Wang was born on September 17, 1972 in Taiwan. She has received numerous awards and honors including the 2002-2003 Marjorie Joseph Scholarship, 2003-2004 Lois Dickey Fellowship, and Sara Douglas Fellowship for Professional Promise, all of these honors were awarded by the International Textile and Apparel Association. She has been inducted into the Hortense Glenn and Kappa Omicron Nu honor societies at the Florida State University in 2003. She has a tremendous amount of initiative and competency, is an extremely responsible and conscientious individual who can accomplish the tasks before her in a most appropriate manner. She is a bright, hardworking, energetic, generous and kind individual. She not only has teaching and research experience but also has extensive industry experience as a marketing planner, sales manager, fabric buyer and apparel broker.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: 王韻
- 出版社:秀威資訊 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2007/05/01
- 語言:英文
A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Attitudes and Emotional Responses of Apparel Purchase Behavior比較
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A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Attitudes and Emotional Responses of Apparel Purchase Behavior比較推薦,A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Attitudes and Emotional Responses of Apparel Purchase Behavior比較討論,A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Attitudes and Emotional Responses of Apparel Purchase Behavior比較比較評比,A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Attitudes and Emotional Responses of Apparel Purchase Behavior比較開箱文,A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Attitudes and Emotional Responses of Apparel Purchase Behavior比較部落客
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A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Attitudes and Emotional Responses of Apparel Purchase Behavior比較