What A World Listening (2) with MP3 CD-1片心得分享

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內容簡介: What a World: Amazing Stories from Around the Globe, is a six-book series that explores many fascinating topics from around the world and across history. The stories in What a World cover a diverse range of high-interest topics, from biographical pieces to exploration of cultures in various historical and contemporary periods.


* Words that Go Together activities highlight collocations -- words that are easier to learn together.
* Talking Notes activities challenge students to listen for main ideas and details in a short description of a person. place, or thing.
* Short Conversations ask students to infer tone, attitude, or the context of the speakers' conversation.
* Critical Thinking questions develop students' thinking skills.
* Language Focus activities draw on a grammatical structure from the listening and help students develop accuracy in speaking and writing.
* Pronunciation and Conversation activities help guide students to more accurate and conversational speech.
* Internet activities build students' Internet research skills.
* Self-Tests help students and teachers assess progress.
* What a World Reading -- a 3-level complementary series -- explores parallel themes to What a World Listening as it develops students' reading skills and vocabulary.

The Answer Key for What A World Listening is available at the following website: www.pearsonlongman.com/whataworld

What A World Listening (2) with MP3 CD-1片心得分享 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2011/08/23
  • 語言:英文

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What A World Listening (2) with MP3 CD-1片心得分享


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